Games can cost quite a lot of money on their own, and you may not want to spend a lot of money on an expensive OS, as well. Price: Last but not least, you should think about the price.Your security could be at risk if you use an unsecured system, but a secure OS will help to keep you safe and protected against malware and other threats. Security: It's also important to think about security, especially if you're going to be downloading a lot of games and add-ons and playing games online.As explained above, you will find that some games and game stores won't work with certain platforms, and this lack of compatibility can damage your gaming experiences, so you may want to choose an OS with the best level of compatibility. Compatibility: Compatibility refers to which games and game platforms are compatible with each operating system.On one OS, you might be able to download, install, and play games easily and conveniently in a matter of minutes, but the process could be a lot more complicated on another operating system, taking much more time. Convenience: It's also important to think about the convenience of setting up systems and playing games on each operating system.So, if you want to access as many as possible, it's important to consider OS compatibility. It's important to note that these platforms do not work with every operating system. Game stores: There are various stores and platforms available where you can buy, download, and play your games, such as Steam, The Epic Games Store, EA Origin, and so on.Almost all new games are designed to work on Windows, but many games can have compatibility issues on other operating systems. Game selection: Playing the same game over and over again can become boring, so you'll also want to ensure that your OS of choice has access to a wide selection of games.Between different operating systems, performance levels can vary, with some systems being more likely to cause stutters, lags, and frame rate drops.

Performance: In order to truly enjoy the very best gaming experiences, it's vital to ensure that the operating system you choose is capable of playing those games correctly.If you're still unsure, here are some key factors to keep in mind when making your decision: So, we hope that this guide has helped you learn more about choosing the best OS to play games on. Windows is also highly future-proof, as all game studios and developers want to make their games available for Windows in order to attract the highest number of players. Windows offers the biggest range of games to play, as well as access to all of the major game stores like Steam and Epic. So, which is the best gaming OS of them all? Well, from our comparison, there can only be one winner: Windows.